Holly Jarchow

Hi, I’m Holly!

Alabama-native, wife to Daniel, pup-mom to Milton (our cockapoo), and lover of all things sweet. I graduated from Harding University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Sciences and Disorders in 2015, and with a Masters in Communication Disorders from Arkansas State University in 2016. I currently work as a speech-language pathologist at a private practice in Everett, WA.

My greatest passion is to travel. My most transformative experiences have been when learning new cultures in new parts of the world. Outside of traveling, I am happiest to my core when I am listening to the stories of those around me with a good cup of joe in hand. Connecting with others through shared experiences is my happy place.

I decided to follow Jesus once I realized that in Him there was hope available to me. I didn’t have to remain in the darkness of who I was anymore. Jesus was saying, “I intended more for you. Let me help you find your healing and your adventure.” From that moment on I have been on a journey of discovering what those words mean.

Have questions? Let’s meet up!

Email me, and follow me on Facebook or Instagram!
